JUVE Handbook: Estimated in insurance law (2017/2018)

Ranking: Well renowned in the insurance law business, this law firm renders its consulting services in sensitive advisor liability cases. The fact that it deals with numerous cum-ex cases underscores its outstanding experience with tax-related matters as well, which comes in handy in its consulting services for post-M&A disputes too. As a result, this firm has succeeded in entrenching its relationships with existing insurance clients as well as establishing new ones. In a number of cases, including D&O liablility, ma­na­gers have been known to turn to the law firm directly.

Strengths: Tax law ex­per­ti­se.

Frequently Recommended: Dr. Rein­hard Patz­i­na, Thors­ten Lotz

Law Practice: Consulting and litigation services in advisor liability, longstanding industry contracts and tax law expertise makes for many cases of professional liability cases (lawyers, notaries, tax advisors, auditors, In­sol­vency administrators, liquidators) as well as post-M&A disputes and D&O, plus tax and corporate law matters. (3 Part­ners, 1 As­so­cia­te)

Clients: Continuously HDI, VWI insurance pool, Ergo, Al­li­anz, Zu­rich, R+V in tax advisor, auditor and lawyer liability cases; 3 investors in lawsuits against Sa­ra­sin Bank in connection with She­rid­an funds; legal consultant over alleged violation of duty in connection with contracts for safeguarding a board member; defense of tax consulting/auditing company against lawsuit by the town of Esch­born over allegedly incorrect audit of municipal business.

Publication details

Source: JUVE – Verlag für juristische Information GmbH

JUVE Hand­book 2017/2018, Commercial Law Firms,
20th Edition 2017/2018

Publication date: 01. October 2017

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