Labor law & Data protection law

PATZINA ⦁ LOTZ – Agile in matters of labor law & data protection law

Labor law consulting

Your workforce is one of the greatest success factors for your business. However, the never-ending changes brought about by the process of digitization as well as social development continue to present major challenges to human resources. We’re here to help you find a legally soundproof balance between the expectations of your employees and those of your business, which can be divergent at times.

We are also here to help you keep pace with the never-ending need for adjustments in the contractual relationships with your workforce due to changing labor regulations as well as legislative changes enacted by the Federal Labor Court and by state labor courts. Add to that the never-ending flow of labor law issues accruing in everyday HR practice, which require quick answers when it comes to making personnel decisions that are legally soundproof.

Our legal services focus on

Data protection

These days, data scandals involving major corporations exemplify the significance of data protection for companies in terms of labor law. In this context, extremely high data protection requirements in Germany, in particular, can pose extreme demands to your business. Data protection issues related to labor law range from application processes, work relationships (especially employee monitoring), the exchange of employee data in corporations, investigations of possible breaches of duty, retention and deletion obligations all the way to the termination of a work relationship. We are your partner when it comes to making your business legally soundproof in the area of data protection law.

Here we work with you to develop concepts for employee data protection.